Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Ross, Ireland, Creacon Nov 7 & 8 2011

It’s time to say good-bye to Dublin and begin the adventure to New Ross where we will stay for two nights at Creacon, a spiritual retreat owned by Derek O’Neill, my spiritual teacher’s teacher. 

We hop in a cab and are driven to the airport to pick up our car.  The cabbie convinces us that we don’t need to go to the arrivals hall at the airport, but can go right to the lot where the cars are kept.  It seems like a good idea and a way to expedite our departure.  Besides in the US that is where I get my cars all the time.

In Ireland, however, the cars indeed are picked up there, BUT the contracts are printed out at the airport desk along with the handing out of the keys!  At first we are told we need to take the shuttle bus back to the airport to pick up our contract and keys.  Then guy takes pity on us and says if he has the type of car we have reserved and he has the keys, he will let us stay there and pick up the car.  Luck is with us.  He has one Ford Focus and we can have it!!!

It is another bright sunny day.  A great day for driving south.  I fire up my Tom Tom (GPS) and away we go on the left side of the road.  I make it through the first round about flawlessly so I am confident all will be well for the entire trip.  For those of you who may not have ridden or driven on the left, when you enter a round about (circle) here you enter going to the left.  In the US you enter going to the right.  Thus your brain has to make that adjustment quickly.

As we travel south the clouds gather and the grey descends.  It gives a sprinkle every now and then.  Then the sun peeks out and thus it goes for the rest of the drive.  We drive along a newly finished toll road for many miles and then it changes back to the old two lane road that takes us through little villages and towns.  Cat is delighted with the scenery and takes one photo after another out of the car window.

Creacon is off the beaten path hidden up a country road outside of New Ross.  As we drive up the narrow lane bordered by tall hedges we can feel the tranquility settle in.  Creacon is set in amongst green lawns, covered pathways, with a stone courtyard in front of a white cottage-type building.  A water fall in the corner of the courtyard provides a sense of peace when we step out of the car.

Michelle greets us and show us to our room which is up the stairs and is called the Gold Room.  The room is full of light, the walls are painted a light yellow-gold color, and contains twin beds, a dresser and two night stands.  It is a warm and cozy room, but I feel an extreme sense of vertigo which is almost overwhelming.

We wander around the rest of the facility finding a cafe, dining room, art center, living room, meditation hall, and tea room.  The vertigo remains, but not as strong as upstairs.  I ask Johnathan, the manager, if anyone else has talked about having vertigo and he says that it must be the energy vortexes that are all over the property.

At dinner we meet Sandra and Marchella who are both long term residents of Creacon.  They have decided to stay there and learn more about themselves and to have Derek as their teacher.  Derek lives in Dublin where he is a Psycotherapist.  He holds workshops at Creacon off and on and is usually in residence the first three days of each month.

Dinner is delicious.  The Italian chef has prepared a half chicken with mushroom sauce and vegetables.  We have lots of laughs with Michelle, Johnathan, and Sandra.  We are the only guests.  After dinner we gather in front of a roaring fire to watch a movie called Yes Man with Jim Carey.  It is hilarious as only Jim Carey can be.

Day 2 at Creacon dawns grey and rainy much to Cat’s delight.  She has been told that Ireland is grey and rainy and has been somewhat disappointed with all of the sunshine!!!  We have decided that today will be a day of quiet and contemplation.  Sandra does intuitive readings and Cat decides to have a reading. 

After her reading with Sandra, I give Cat a Rising Star Healing.  She tells me that at the beginning of the healing she sees a golden ball being handed to her and then a purple haze.  This happens to her as I am working on her crown chakra and then her third eye chakra.   After that she falls deeply asleep while I finish the session.  There is a Healing House on the premises and is perfect for sessions such as Sandra and I give.

After dinner we once again gather in front of the roaring fire for a movie.  Tonight we watch one of Derek’s videos of a part of one of his workshops.  Then we have a lively discussion about what we felt about his teachings and what touched us the most.  


Tomorrow, November 9, we leave for Kenmare to prepare for our meditation on November 11 at 11:11 GMT.

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