June 5, 2013 opened yet another chapter in the life and times of Sara Waldheim. The deed on my townhouse was recorded and the ownership of 61875 Broken Top Dr Villa 2, Bend, OR 97702 transferred to Bud and Diane Quitiquit of Kona, Hawaii.
Where am I moving, you ask? Nowhere and everywhere. I am foot loose and fancy free with a Fuzzy Future and loving every darn minute. I tease that my new address is Wall Street Storage where what is left of personal stuff is stored. The house is sold turnkey meaning all furniture, linens, kitchen stuff, etc.
Some phrases, I am sure, are coming to your mind right now. Like “Are you DAFT? (for my British friends), “My you are brave!”, “I’d be scared to death” to “Your children should have you committed. How can you DO that?” My answer to all of these is “This is not for everyone and at some point in my life all of those statements could have been said by me, but my calling is to become unencumbered so I can serve in what ever capacity I am needed. It feels just right.
Serving in Sierra Leone changed me at a DNA level. I returned home, looked around and said to myself “I don’t need all of this”. The money I save maintaining a home can be put to better use. Use that means so much more to me than an address.
I only have 6 to 8 weeks for the rest of this year where I will need a place to hang my hat and that has been taken care of by Bud and Diane. The universe, spirit, God has sent them to me. They are insisting that the place is still mine and I can stay there anytime I wish. As Bud put it the other day “We hold the paper, but the place is yours too” It has taken some time to wrap my brain around that. Not wanting to take advantage or inconvenience people has been my weakness all my life. I will go without asking for help because of that.
Lately I have been able to ask for help and now I have, at last, taken the offer to my heart and am willing and able to ask for dates to stay in Bend at “our” villa. :-) I’ve even left some things behind stashed around the house! See what happens when you trust that all will work for the highest good of all? Miracles. Unexpected miracles.
I am on the road staying in Shasta on my way down to the Bay Area where I will stay in Cat’s empty house until time for me to start my Southern CA journey to visit family and friends.
Late September to mid-November I'll be staying on "our" villa in Bend ;-). Wow! How cool is that?
Right after Christmas will find me on the way to Egypt and then January 15, 2014 to June 12, 2014 in Sierra Leone with Fambul Tok. After that? Fuzzy Future and allowing. I have no plans.
I feel so FREE!!!! :-)))))))))))
Much Love To You All,